FLAT SHOALS BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC Version 1.0, 8-May-2001, C077A.TXT, C77 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- Find intersection of Route-28 and Route-11. Drive 6.2 miles east on Route-11 to Flat Shoals Road (S37-94). Turn right and drive 1.5 miles. Find intersection of Route-130 and Route-11. Drive 4.3 miles west on Route-11 to Flat Shoals Road (S37-94). Turn left and drive 1.5 miles. HISTORY: -------- Flat Shoals Baptist Church was originally known as Mount Olivet Church. Established October 4, 1908 with 8 charter members, the church was pastored by R. W. Kelley. The original members included: J. R. Black, Ida Black, S. A. Tow (Towe), J. F. Davis, Charley Davis, Lucy Davis, E. L. Allison and Emma Tow (Towe). The 5 men were appointed to positions: 2 trustees (J. R. Black and S. A. Tow), 2 deacons (J. F. Davis and J. R. Black) and all 5 men served on the building committee to build the church house. Total collections for the first year were only $10.65 total and went to the support the pastor's salary, missions, and orphanage. Preaching service was held only once a month, but Sunday School was held every Sunday. During the time the church was Mt. Olivet Church, there were 3 pastors: R. W. Kelley 10/20/1908-10/15/1909 Joe H. Clark 10/16/1909-12/18/1915 L. B. Norton 12/19/1915-1920? Unfortunately, no church records exist for 1917-1920, but other records indicate that Mt. Olivet became Flat Shoals Baptist Church in 1918. During the 1920's, 30's and 40's, there were many pastors. Here is a list of the pastors and the years in which they served: Wade H. Nicholson 1921 William B. Holcombe 1922 William Barrett 1925 Pick Alexander 1926-1931 A. C. Harrison 1932 Tete Patterson 1933-1938 Bruce Littleton 1939 Claude Hightower 1943, 1946 Paul G. Rampey 1944 Melvin Timms 1947 Furman Walters 1948 It is important to note that the original church was located beside the cemetery. On 10/21/1951, the church agreed to buy the Flat Shoals School from J. S. Barrett to use as the church building. This is still the site of FSBC today, which is located across from the cemetery. Remodeling of this building began in June 1958, with Paul Tow(e), Elmus Barrett, Lewis Towe and Lawrence Orr serving on this committee. The pastors during the 1950's were as follows: Virgil Merck 1950 (Also preached at Salem First Baptist twice a month) Clarence Enterkin 1952 Furman Walters 1953 Nick S. Grant 1955 Milo Hayes 1959 In September of 1965 the church voted to have preaching services every Sunday morning and night, and increased the pastor's salary to $150 a month. The pastors during the 1960's and 70's were as follows: J. C. Farmer 1969 Tommy Esuary 1972 Jack Connelly 1974 In June 1974, the church voted to purchase a mobile home for use as a parsonage. In 1977, plans began to build the additional Sunday School rooms. The pastors in the 1980's were as follows: Billy Joe McClain 1980 Tommy Esuary 1981 J. C. Farmer 1982 Charles Kennemore 1983-present. (Other known pastors, not previously mentioned include Chris Abercrumby, Hubert Barrett, Frank Bumgarner, Clause Holcombe, Lige Litteton, Moses Moore, Robert Norton, Graden Rampey, and Hubert Rite. The time periods are not recorded.) A fellowship building was added in 1990.A new church sign was added and a refurbished sanctuary was completed in 1997 with new paneling, new carpet, new pews and furniture. Siding was added to the outside of the church in 2000 to maintain the beauty of this historic church. The preaching of the gospel still resounds today every Sunday morning and evening, as well as on Wednesday nights with a weekly prayer meeting and youth programs. DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Mar-2001 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Pastor Charles Kennemore at fsbc@bellsouth.net in Oct-1990 LIBRARY REFERENCE: ____________ at ____________ in _______ TRANSCRIPTION .. : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Mar-2001 TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife (1) Unmarked infant grave - looks like it might have been moved to another location ABERCROMBIE, Howard Wayne, b. 9-dec-1956, d. 4-apr-1977 BARRETT, Annie Orr, b. 31-aug-1907, d. 31-may-1991, h. william elmes barrett BARRETT, B. Lauson, b. 18-apr-1928, d. 19-apr-1930 BARRETT, Bulah Mae King, b. 23- mar-1880, d. 6-sept-1947, 1st w. of h. j.s. barrett BARRETT, Carl S., b. 5-sept-1921, d. 6-aug-1981 BARRETT, G. Hubert, b. 22-apr-1907, d. 10-july-1978 BARRETT, G. Hubert, b. 22-apr-1907, d. 10-jul-1978 BARRETT, Geneva Dodd, b. 17-aug-1888, d. 5-july-1954, 2nd w. of h. j.s. barrett BARRETT, Joseph S., b. 30-dec-1877, d. 16-jan-1962 BARRETT, Leonara E., b. 12-oct-1903, d. 31-oct-1984, h. g. hubert barrett BARRETT, Walter, b. 28-may-1905, d. 12-mar-1924 BARRETT, William Elmes (Rev), b. 28-aug-1909, d. 10-jan-1983 BREWER, Bertha M., b. 13-feb-1914, d. 14-mar-1945 BREWER, Charlie W., b. 5-mar-1887, d. 2-jan-1982 BREWER, Myra E., b. 27-dec-1888, d. 20-apr-1965, h. charlie w. brewer BRYANT, Elsie, b. 1897, d. 1978 BRYANT, Reba Allison, b. 25-jan-1966, d. 9-feb-1966 CLARK, David, b. 1866, d. 1956 CLARK, Minnie, b. 1874, d. 1959, h. david clark CLARK, Ruby, b. 12-jan-1905, d. 10-apr-1941 COX, Edna B., b. 18-mar-1926, d. 2-jun-1994, h. jack d. cox COX, Jack D., b. 25-dec-1922, d. 25-aug-1983 CROWE, Dollie O., b. 16-jun-1909, d. 9-aug-1989 CROWE, Dryman B. (Rev), b. 20-jun-1931, d. 3-may-1984 CROWE, Ella M., b. 21-apr-1882, d. 12-july-1964, h. james l. crowe CROWE, Ella Taylor, b. 20-apr-1886, d. 17-oct-1968 CROWE, Infant, b. 30-june-1926, d. 30-june-1926 CROWE, Irby L., b. 1908, d. 1924 CROWE, James L., b. 19-may-1909, d. 27-dec-1987 CROWE, James L., b. 30-jan-1878, d. 21-june-1955 CROWE, John Thomas, b. 30-dec-1880, d. 15-may-1938 CROWE, Opal Lee, b. 25-may-1939 CROWE, Ruth R., b. 8-feb-1934, h. dryman b. crowe EDNEY, Infant EDNEY, Gertrude Moss, b. 1881, d. 1930 EDNEY, Miles P., b. 12-mar-1879, d. 11-feb-1959 FISHER, James Kevin (Bo), b. 17-jul-1973, d. 5-jul-1981 FISHER, Joel Travis, b. 6-may-1967, d. 21-dec-1983 FISHER, Lonnie Crawford, b. 12-dec-1916, d. 2-jan-1996 FISHER, Nena Emma Lee M., b. 13-mar-1928, h. lonnie crawford fisher GANTT, Emma E., b. 14-jul-1872, d. 17-nov-1949 GANTT, John A., b. 25-mar-1865, d. 27-may-1933 GILLIS, Randal S., b. 16-oct-1968, d. 3-jul-1985 GOMEZ, Josue A., d. 1993 GRANT, Charles E., b. 19-dec-1940, d. 24-apr-1986 HERRON, Baylus, b. 1-mar-1940, d. 26-aug-1961 HERRON, Cornelia, b. 15-nov-1902, d. 17-dec-1990 HERRON, Cornilia Cherron, b. 15-jan-1907, d. 25-feb-1942 HERRON, Robert, b. 15-jan-1907, d. 31-dec-1989 JAMES, Della N., b. 4-dec-1902, d. 28-aug-1961, h. noah james JAMES, Noah, b. 1-mar-1906, d. 17-apr-1990 NICHOLS, Dicie Ellen, b. 6-dec-1871, h. john asberry nichols NICHOLS, Ellen, b. 1871, d. 1966 NICHOLS, John Asberry, b. 15-jul-1871, d. 2-may-1944 NICHOLS, Maggie Herron, b. 5-feb-1871, d. 27-apr-1951, h. robert l. nichols NICHOLS, Milton Albert, b. 23-oct-1909, d. 19-feb-1928 NICHOLS, Robert L., b. 2-mar-1873, d. 29-may-1953 OLIVER, Ernest, b. 31-may-1912, d. 31-oct-1966 OLIVER, Lula Grace, b. 19-oct-1914, d. 14-jun-1958 PEARSON, Chester W., b. 6-jan-1927, d. 30-apr-1950 PEARSON, Cora Barrett, b. 11-nov-1899, d. 12-feb-1922 PEARSON, Jerry, b. 22-may-1883, d. 5-mar-1954 PEARSON, John D., b. 8-may-1919, d. 3-sep-1987 PEARSON, Mattie, b. 21-mar-1897, d. 22-jun-1940, h. jerry pearson PEARSON, Roy, b. 1920, m. cora pearson ROGERS, Hillary Elaine, b. 22-apr-1987, d. 24-nov-1992 SLOAN, Ann Schode, b. 18-feb-1923, h. philip sloan SLOAN, Helen Enlow, b. 28-apr-1884, d. 15-dec-1944 SLOAN, Philip, b. 14-mar-1913, d. 5-jan-1992 SLOAN, W.H., b. 8-jan-1875, d. 2-mar-1954 SMITH, J. Floyd, b. 1910, d. 1992 SMITH, Lexie, b. 1911, d. 1979, h. j. floyd smith STUBBLEFIELD, Mildred Towe, b. 10-jan-1927, d. 20-may-1950 STWART, Leona Neal, b. 4-jun-1935, d. 7-nov-1995 TOWE, Amber N., b. 30-mar-1991, d. 31-mar-1991 TOWE, Archie, b. 5-jun-1884, d. 29-may-1957 TOWE, Doria R., b. 16-feb-1917, h. louis a. towe TOWE, Emma S., b. 7-nov-1877, d. 18-dec-1968, h. archie towe TOWE, Frank L., b. 4-apr-1942, d. 24-may-1974 TOWE, Ila Alline, b. 30-aug-1907, d. 15-nov-1996 TOWE, Louis A., b. 10-oct-1913 TOWE, Nellie L., b. 5-jul-1924, h. paul c. towe, m. 1-jul-1946 TOWE, Paul C. (Rev), b. 27-nov-1921, d. 20-jul-1994 TOWE, S.A. (Rev), b. 1884, d. 1970 TOWE, Shirley, b. 2-nov-1944, h. frank l. towe TOWE, Winnie Ann N., b. 1896, d. 1967, h. s.a. towe VICKERY, Chris C., b. 21-oct-1926, d. 12-may-1986 VICKERY, Clarence Bruce, b. 23-jun-1965, d. 15-mar-1968 VICKERY, Ovaline N., b. 20-sep-1927, h. chris c. vickery WILBANKS, Dillard L., b. 6-jul-1927, d. 27-oct-1995 WILBANKS, Mary Lue, b. 18-feb-1951, d. 2-oct-1951 WILBANKS, Olliamae, b. 19-jul-1926, h. dillard l. wilbanks